The importance of standing

Why is standing so crucial?

From baby steps to standing desks – standing is an essential part of life for all those able to do so. But it’s also proven to have a multitude of benefits beyond posture that most wouldn’t have even considered…

Standing affects us mentally, providing an increased sense of independence and confidence, improving self-esteem, and generating a feeling of encouragement to complete activities. A natural motivator! It even has the power to reduce the effect of mood disorders and improve general cognition and alertness.


As our body works to pump fluids around the body – carrying oxygen through the blood whilst removing harmful toxins – standing helps to kickstart the process otherwise referred to as lymphatic drainage. This contributes to improved blood pressure and circulation, digestion, and the encouragement of muscle development.

Gym-goers: you don’t need to be told the importance of digestion and muscle development in impacting your fitness goals!

If this isn’t enough, the improvement in circulation and posture can prevent the risk of conditions including sciatica, orthostatic hypotension, and osteoporosis in some cases – and a standing frame can even reverse some side-effects.

When it comes to back pain - whether it’s lower back pain, upper back pain or even back spasms – standing can alleviate pain. Our bodies are designed to stand, so our frames are aligned to a natural ‘S’ shape, reinforcing an ideal posture, promoting metabolism, and minimising the risk of pain, most notably in the back. If your pain stems from walking or standing, try standing in intervals and work on building a more upright posture.

As smartwatches and isolation-induced sedentary lifestyles bought our attention to the importance of closing those daily standing goals – desk-based workers around the world have been preaching about the benefits of the almighty standing desk. Others simply encourage that we take a moment to stand-up and walk every so often during working hours (something that smartwatches also prompt).

Whilst there is no definitive answer to your standing goals, it’s important to remember to stand and move as much as is physically comfortable for you, even if you need assistance doing so. 

Set a timer to alert you to get up for a couple of minutes every hour, take the stairs when you have the option or make the shift to those new desks – it will even do wonders for your Zoom presentations!

Just remember that resting goes hand in hand with fitness. It’s all about finding the balance.


Sources: The Surprising And Powerful Links Between Posture and Mood ( | Why we should sit less - NHS ( | A Guide to Finding Sciatica Relief While at the Office (

Note to reader – this information is to be followed as advice to contribute toward and assist with a healthy lifestyle. Please do not be discouraged if any of the information mentioned does not work for you. Everyone is different and this is merely to accept as a guide which has impacted others.