Cool off together with Family Swim!

Fun for all the family

Nothing screams summertime fun more than a good old session in the pool. Cool off, hydrate, feel great, and – bonus! – get that cardio in! With the kids out of school for the summer holidays, why not book some Family Swim sessions and have some fun?

Getting our little people moving and active has never been more important. Sport England’s latest research shows that less than half (44.6%) of children and young people (3.2 million) are meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of taking part in sport and physical activity for an average of 60 minutes or more every day. Meanwhile, 32.4% (2.3m) do less than an average of 30 minutes a day.

Family Swim sessions are a great way to get active, meet those guidelines and have fun too! Plus, getting your family into an exercise routine will have benefits that can last a lifetime, here’s why:

You’re creating healthy habits

When the whole family is physically active together, everyone reaps the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise helps everyone – young and old alike - to maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress, sleep well and, lower the risks of serious health conditions. Getting out and staying active through fun, regularly scheduled family group activities also helps to create healthy habits. Sowing the seeds of healthy habits early on turns into lifestyle choices that can last a lifetime.



You’re setting a good example

When your children see you modelling good behaviour and positive, healthy lifestyle choices, your child is more likely to choose the same behaviours. The apples don’t fall from the tree! So, if your children see you eating nutritious meals and exercising on a regular basis – they are more likely to do the exact same thing. Plus, scheduling physically based activities reinforces the messaging to our children that these behaviours are fun and positive for everyone. When we make our health a priority – your kids will learn to as well.

You’re helping everyone to stay motivated

When the whole family is having fun and staying engaged, it helps to keep everyone motivated and wanting to continue. If you schedule and then ringfence, regular family ‘active time’ you create special, happy memories that will help the kids to associate ‘active time’ with being fun and, by default, make everyone more likely to keep up the routine. Plus, every child (young and old!) loves to have fun!

You’re getting everyone involved

‘Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.’ – Remember the famous line from Disney’s Lilo & Stitch? Creating fun, engaging activities for the whole family, like Family Swim sessions, is a good way to get everyone involved and keep everyone motivated – no one gets left behind, and no one gets forgotten – everyone has fun together! And, the fun doesn’t have to end with swimming – family walks, bike riding, roller skating, Clip n’ Climb and yoga classes are all great physical activities that the whole family can do together!

It can help form a family bond

Staying active with your family not only helps to keep everyone involved, but it can also help keep your family close and help to form a family bond. Carving out time with your family and prioritising health and activity demonstrates that you value your time with them. You can have fun together, create moments they will cherish, and stay healthy all while forming a family bond that will last a lifetime. We call that a win-win for the whole family!



So, with the summer holidays here, why not start the family routine of Family Swim sessions today! We have colourful balls, toys and floats that are all free for all to play with in the water – and, some of our centres offer giant inflatable obstacle courses that provide, literally, hours of fun! The kids can practice their swimming skills with the confidence and security of their parents nearby. You’ll be creating a family bond and memories that last a lifetime – all while setting a good example and creating healthy habits for the whole family. Follow the link below to find the centre nearest to you and then follow the timetable to book your Family Swim today!


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